Wanted: PTA Secretary

Are you organized and want to find a way to serve the students at Sherwood Forest? Consider volunteering as the PTA Secretary. You'll write meeting agendas, take notes, and track attendance and votes. The time commitment is 3+ hours per month, 50% at home and 50% at the school. Email membership@sherwoodforestelementary.org with questions. This role begins June 11th, so we hope to hear from you soon! 

We need your help!

Exciting events are coming to Sherwood Forest this Spring, and we need your help to make them happen! Consider volunteering an hour of your time at these events. You’ll meet other Sherwood Forest families, get to know teachers/staff, support our students, and have FUN! 

Make your Vote Count!

At the June 11th General PTA Board meeting we will be voting on the 2024-2025 PTA Budget and voting in the new PTA Secretary. Join us for this important decision-making for the next year!